Repair My Credit

Credit repair is extremely important for you future financial stability. Let's face it, credit runs the world today. Very few of us have the income to make all the basic purchases we need to with today's economy.

To have good credit provides the ability to have access to extra money when we need it. We may need a new refrigerator, a new tire, or just want to go on vacation. Having credit allows us to accomplish things we could not normally on our employment salaries. Bad credit can be detrimental to your life. Bad credit may mean you are not able to purchase your dream house or automobile.

Bad credit occurs when we do not make our payments on time or default on credit bestowed on us. Credit repair is very important. Credit repair is attainable by anyone. Repairing your credit will be hard work and require sacrifice.

There are a wide variety of companies and non-profit organizations available to help you repair your credit. Most of these companies will charge you a fee to help you solve your credit problems. You should be prepared for this. You can repair your credit by yourself. Some steps to credit repair are:

  • Obtain your credit reports: There are three main credit reporting agencies in the United States. They are: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. You can obtain a free report from each one of these companies. You can even request the report over the Internet. You should be aware that the free credit report is very general and not as detailed as the reports you pay for. Paid reports will also include your credit score.Each company offers paid credit reports. Fee based reports are very detailed and contain your credit score.
  • Dispute false or incorrect information on your credit report. Many people do not realize you can dispute false or incorrect information on your credit reports. Go over your credit report with a fine tooth comb. If you find bad information you should call the reporting agency first, write a letter of dispute and mail it to them second. This letter of dispute is very important. Third, prove that the information is incorrect. An example would be providing receipts that show you paid a bill. Bad information can be eliminated from your credit report.
  • Payment program: This is the hardest thing we have to do. You must set down and come up with a repayment plan to eliminate the bills owed on your credit report. This often requires us to sacrifice in our lives in order to come up with extra money to put against these bills.
  • Prompt payments: If you do have existing loans or credit extended it is very important to pay the monthly payments on time every month. It takes between six months and a year to show dividends. Prompt payment over time will increase your credit score.
  • Get rid of credit cards: Most people with bad credit have too many credit cards. It is important to your credit repair program to eliminate your excess credit cards. It is a good practice to keep one or two credit cards that have the lowest constant interest rates.

You should also look closely at your credit card Companies rules and regulations. Many companies can raise your interest rate for many reasons that are not related to the issued credit cards. An example would be if you were late on a car payment or other payment. Congress is working to curtail this bad practice by credit card companies. You should always read the fine print in your credit card agreements.

These are a few of the methods of repairing your credit. We'll cover these and more, in more depth on this site.

Next page: Free Credit Report